Schlagwortarchiv für: workshop

Berlino Schule

Cooking like an Italian chef, classes in Berlin held by the Gambero Rosso chefs, Alex Maiorano and Domenico Cecere

How to cook like real Italian chefs: that is what you are going to learn with our workshop. The course is divided into four meetings of two hours and a half each (dinner included) and it is run by two Italian Gambero Rosso chefs

The course, held by Alex Maiorano and Domenico Cecere (they both work as chefs for Roma Food), is going to start on 10th February 2020 and take place every Monday until 2nd March (total meetings: 4). At the end of each class, the participants will eat what they have been cooking. The „Cooking like an Italian chef“ workshop is going to take place at La Lupa (Spreewaldplatz 6 10999 Berlin-Kreuzberg), in one of the most modern and innovative areas of Berlin. The course has been organized by the brand True Italian (the network dedicated to real Italian diners in Berlin) and La Lupa restaurant. 

Cooking like an Italian chef

How to make pasta “fresca”. How to cut and cook properly vegetables. How to use rice as a starter or even as a dessert. These are just few of the things you will learn during the 4-appointment workshop. You will experiment, with different spice blends and ingredients, how to create new flavour combinations. You will also take only one ingredient and use it in different ways to prepare different dishes. That is a great chance to challange yourself in a very funny way. Meat and fish won’t be used, at all. So the course is aimed at vegetarians, too. 

Program of the course

You will learn only recipes you will be able to prepare also at home, supported by some tricks you couldn’t have imagined, before. At the end of each class, you will eat with the rest of the class.

10/02: Basics (how to make a soffritto, tomatoes and other vegetables preserves, how to avoid wasting food). Dinner with different types of pasta and sauces

17/02: How to make Lasagna and Cannelloni. Dinner with Lasagna & Cannelloni (pasta al forno)

24/02: How to „polpette“ and other second courses with vegetables and meat

02/03: Desserts. Dinner with pasta and a lot of desserts (baked cakes)

The teachers

Alex Maiorano started peeling potatoes as a child with his grandmother at her family restaurant in Italy. Since then, he has never stopped. At the age of 19, he got the his diploma at the Gambero Rosso cooking school. He has been working as a chef in Germany, England and Australia. He strongly believes that ingredients, love and patience are the three only things which make dishes unforgettable. He is the main chef of LA Lupa & Roma Food.

Domenico Cecere, originally from Solofra (Avellino), chef of La Lupa, boats many years of experience in the gastronomy business in Italy and Germany.

The location 

A cozy new True Italian (let’s say Roman) restaurant in the middle of Kreuzberg, run by Gianluca De Rosa.

Info and price 

190 € for the whole course, 4 dinners included. Materials and ingredients are also included.
If you are not sure to enroll, you can come to the first lesson for 40€ and then decide if to apply for the whole course or not.
The course has limited spots, only 15. You can reserve it by sending an email at:

It is possible to register for only some classes prior agreement with the administration.

Cooking like a Chef

Every Monday, 20:00-22:30 starting from 10th February 2020

Number of classes: 4

Price: 190 € (ingredients, tools and dinner included)


Maximum number of participants: 15

Facebook event 

Documentary Filmmaking, in Berlin the new course by the Daring House Film Production

Create your own short documentary in six classes!

Berlino Magazine and Berlino Schule in collaboration with Daring House Documentary School are hosting a basic module about Documentary filmmaking. On 2th October there will be a free presentation of our Filmmaking course. The workshop will then continue with classes on Tuesdays, from 20:00 till 21:30 for 5 weeks at Daring House Studio, Auguststraße 88, 10117, Berlin-Mitte.

Course objectives

Now more then ever digital technology allows people to express their own vision of reality – and this is what our course is about. In a set of structured meetings, attendees will learn how to find, shoot and edit a story, in close interaction with an enthusiastic group of people. The films will then be presented at a short documentary film festival held in Berlin, with an awards ceremony and attendance certificate for everybody.

The course will let you create your film FOR REAL. During classes, you will use your own camera and have a look at videos of nice and established filmmakers.

The module is for those who want to try their hands at filmmaking as a hobby or are considering making it a profession; for journalists wanting to expand their audiovisual skills; for film-enthusiasts wanting to learn the process of filmmaking.

The course will be held in English and the instructor also speaks fluent German, Italian and Spanish.


Class 1 – Filmmaking 101 – 2.10.2018, 20:00-21:30 – FREE TRIAL LESSON.

– What is a documentary? Break free from the accepted rules and create your “own” story.
– Tragedies, illnesses, catastrophes and sad people. Why you should try (also) to tell happy documentary stories.
– How are documentary stories told? The different styles of storytelling: real life, interviews, with or without a host, mockumentary.
– Any story is a good story if well told. The approach to find a story and the importance of personal feelings in storytelling.
– What do I need to shoot: camera/smartphone, pc.
– Writing or not writing? How far should filmmakers go with their script.

Class 2 – Working with your story – 09.10.2018 – 20:00-21:30

– How to tell if a story is worth being told
– Red flags 1: stories you should avoid.
– Red flags 2: people you should avoid.
– How too approach a person to shoot a documentary.
– Shooting: how to make your story appear natural.
– The “fly on the wall”: how to disappear behind the camera.
– Emphatic listening and the key to good interviews.

Class 3 – Hands on your camera – 16.10.2018 – 20:00-21:30

– Basics of smartphone cinematography. How to hold a smartphone camera and how to operate it.
– Basics of camera cinematography avoiding zoom and multi-focal lenses.
– Audio: why a good sound is more important that good images.
– Shooting with natural light.
– Creating a shooting frame: concepts of shooting aesthetics.
– Project pitching! Suggesting stories and creating shooting teams.

Class 4 – Editing – 30.10.2018 – 20:00-21:30

– Basics of editing: please start telling your story from second 1.
– Why knowing editing is important to shoot good images.
– Editing with free programs.
– Editing with professional programs.
– Documentary dramaturgy: please don’t bore your audience.
– Creating emotions with editing. How to play an audience like an instrument.
– “Kill your darlings”: why your personal shooting experience is different than the story you are telling.
– Working with music: from Dogma to La La Land.

Class 5 – Rough-cut workshop – 06.11.2018 – 20:00-21:30

– Review of the projects and tips to make them even better.
– Closing a project: why “films projects are never finished, but abandoned”.
– Basics of subtitling.

Class 6 – How to call yourself a filmmaker and closing the final cut – 11.12.2018 – 20:00-21:30

– Review of the projects and tips to make them even better.
– Dreaming about a filmmaker career? Here’s what you need to know.
– Don’t trust the festival. A quick guide to festival submissions.
– “We are all dead” and other depressing statements by filmmakers and artists in general.
– The documentary film industry. How to have fun making film art and live happily.
– Preview of the following modules.


The course costs 175€.

The teacher

Stefano Casertano is an award-winning filmmaker living in Berlin since 2006, CEO of the production company Daring House. His last film as director “People of Love and Rage” won the Eindhoven FIlm Festival and the Special Mention of the Jury at the Rome Independent Film Festival. As a producer, his animated short “The Ballad of the Homeless” screened at the Cannes Film Festival, won a Nastro d’Argento, was a candidate at the David di Donatello and won the LA Short Fest, being shortlisted for the Academy Awards. Stefano is currently producing his fourth documentary “Eighteen Penalties” about the story of the football matches between Italy and Germany produced by Istituto Luce and Lichtblick Film, with the support of the Italian Ministry of Culture and the German Film Funding Institute. Stefano also serves as producer and filmmaker for video productions for media outlets such as El Paìs, Sky, La7, RBB and Rai. Before embarking in his film career, Stefano completed an MBA in Media and Communication at Columbia University in New York and a Ph.D. “Magna cum Laude” in International Politics at Potsdam University in Germany. He has been international correspondent for, Finanza & Mercati and Pagina99, and his articles have appeared on World Affairs, Project Syndicate and RealClearWorld.

Advanced modules to be scheduled:

– Documentary filmmaking advanced module

– Immerse yourself in a story and create a structured film plan. Basics of color and audio correction.

– Documentary filmmaking technical module

– How to shoot a video with a reflex camera

– Music videos – How to shoot a music band

Documentary Filmmaking Course

6 lessons from Tuesday 2nd of October. from 20:00 to 21:30

2nd October 2018: free trial lesson (20-21.30).

Facebook event

Lessons will be held at Daring House – Auguststraße 88, 10117, Berlin.

The course costs 175 €


For info and registration send us an email at: with object: Filmmaking

Schlagwortarchiv für: workshop