Schlagwortarchiv für: berlino schule


Mille Grazie! Italienisch-Abendkurse und Privatunterricht in Berlin-Friedrichshain

Mille Grazie! Die Italienischkurse von Berlino Schule

Mille Grazie! Das ist genau, was die nicht-Italiener sagen, wenn sie sich bei jemandem bedanken wollen. Aber es ist total falsch (“Grazie mille” wäre nämlich korrekter!). Möchtest du endlich RICHTIG gut Italienisch sprechen? Dann solltest du dich für unsere Italienischkurse einschreiben! Wir bieten zwei Arten von Italienischunterricht an: Privatunterricht und Gruppenunterricht.

1 – Privatunterricht vor Ort oder über Skype 

Unsere Privatkurse werden in Unterrichtseinheiten aufgeteilt. Jede Einheit beträgt 45 Minuten gemäß dem Gemeinsamen Europäischen für Sprachen. Jede UE kostet 32 Euro, aber falls Sie mehr als 10 UE buchen wollen, bekommen Sie einen Rabatt: 29 Euro/ 45 Minuten. Nachdem Sie bezahlt haben, setzen wir Sie in Verbindung mit dem Dozenten/ der Dozentin, mit dem/ der Sie einen Zeitplan festlegen können. Sie dürfen natürlich eine Probe machen (45 Minuten für 32 Euro), und erst nach der Probe ein Paket kaufen. Falls Sie den Unterricht absagen müssen, geben Sie dem Dozenten/der Dozentin mind. 24 Stunden im Voraus Bescheid.

2 – Mille Grazie! Italienischkurse für Gruppen bei Berlino Schule: 390 € + 20 € jährliche Anmeldegebühr

Unsere Italienischkurse finden zweimal pro Woche, entweder montags und mittwochs oder dienstags und donnerstags, immer von 19:15 bis 21:40 statt. Jeder Kurs beträgt 60 Unterrichtseinheiten (45 Minuten). Im Bereich Italienisch hat Berlino Schule die Goldmedaille: Die Schule wurde nämlich von Berlino Magazine, dem berühmtesten italienischen Magazin in Berlin, gegründet.

Unsere nächsten Mille Grazie-Kurse: Infos & Kalender
Preis: 390€ + 20€ Anmeldegebühr (12 Monate gültig)



An der Berlino Schule in der Gryphiusstrasse 23 – 10245 Berlin Friedrichshain (S Ostkreuz/ U5 Samariterstr./ S+U1 Warschuaer Str.).

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Englische Version hier

Die Englischkurse von der Berlino Schule für Anfänger und Fortgeschrittene – Oktober 2019

Die Englischkurse von der Berlino Schule richten sich sowohl an Anfänger als auch an Fortgeschrittene. Die fangen im Oktober 2019 an

Habt ihr Lust, die bekannteste Sprache der Welt zu erlernen? Möchtet ihr endlich die Sprache lernen, die am meisten auf der Welt gesprochen wird? Ab Oktober 2019 fangen zwei Englischkurse an der Berlino Schule an! Die könnt ihr natürlich nicht verpassen! Die englische Sprache wird nämlich zunehmend wichtiger: Im Medien Bereich ist sie die am häufigsten verwendete Sprache. Darüber hinaus, ist es ganz wesentlich, Englisch zu lernen, wenn man im Wirtschafts oder Wissenschaftsbereich arbeiten möchte.

Englisch für Anfänger

Der Englischkurs für Anfänger fängt am 18 Oktober an. Unterricht findet jeden Freitag, von 19:00 bis 20:30 für 12 Wochen statt.

Preis: 120 €

Den Teilnehmern werden die Grundlagen der englischen Sprache beigebracht. Am Ende des Kurses werden die Studenten in der Lage sein, über sich selbst, ihre Familien und ihren Alltag zu sprechen.

Englisch für Fortgeschrittene

Der Englischkurs für Fortgeschrittene fängt am 18 Oktober an. Unterricht findet jeden Freitag, von 19:00 bis 20:30 für 12 Wochen statt.

Preis: 120 €

Dieser Kurs richtet sich an diejenigen, die schon Englisch gelernt und die wichtigsten Strukturen erworben haben. Am Ende des Kurses werden sie in der Lage sein, über komplexe Themen mit dem richtigen Wortschatz zu schreiben und diskutieren.

Unsere Dozenten

Alle unsere Dozenten verfügen über eine mehrjährige Erfahrung im Unterricht Bereich.

Info und Anmeldung

Englische Version hier!

Berlino Schule

Gryphiusstrasse 23, 10245 Berlin

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Winter school Berlino Schule

Winter School! Study German at Berlino Schule for 2 weeks, while enjoying the magic Christmas markets

Berlino Schule’s Winter school: study German for 2 weeks, 230 €, 8 extra activities, Christmas markets and lots of fun!

Is there anything better than drinking a cup of hot chocolate while enjoying the magic Christmas atmosphere in Berlin? Would you like to spend some days in Berlin during the winter? Although the weather may not be great, Berlin is wonderful and full of lights. You can have the chance to stroll around the city, admire the cheerful Christmas markets and have a cup of Glühwein. Maybe after some German classes! Make your Winter great with our super-intensive German courses!

Berlino Schule

Berlino Schule Summer school 2019



Winter School

The Winter School of Berlino Schule is the study trip you are looking for. If you choose to register for our courses, you will have the possibility to attend super-intensive courses (5 hours per day, for 2 weeks) in the lively and international district of Friedrichshain.

That’s not all!

Our students will be offered the chance to join 8 extra activities (i.e. cineforum, walking tours, museums, conversation activities, etc).

Berlino Schule can help you find an accomodation in Berlin!

Would you like to spend some weeks in Berlin, but it is hard for you to find an accomodation? No panic! Berlino Schule has established some agreements with some landlords, who can provide you with the right accomodation (flats or rooms). In case you are interested, you can directly contact the school.

Wanna book the whole package?

You would like to attend a super-intensive course, but it is rather difficult for you to find an accomodation? We can provide you with an a single room in some hotels just nearby Berlino Schule, 2 weekly tickets included. Ask for a price quotation!

Great! But when?

From 9th December to 20th December, every day from Monday to Friday, 14:30-18:45.


A1.1 9 DECEMBER – 20 DECEMBER (Monday-Friday, 14:30-18:45)

B1.1 9 DECEMBER – 20 DECEMBER (Monday-Friday, 14:30-18:45)

B2.1 9 DECEMBER – 20 DECEMBER (Monday-Friday, 14:30-18:45)


230 € (8 extra activities included!)

I would like to join, but I cannot find the right course for me!

In this case, you can attend our intensive courses in the morning or our evening courses. Our intensive courses last 4 weeks. Classes take place every day, from Tuesday to Friday during the morning hours (either 8:45-11:15 or 11:40-14:10). Price: 192 € + 20 € application fee. Our evening courses last 8 weeks. Classes take place twice a week, either on mondays and wednesdays or tuesdays and thursday. Price: 240 € + 20 € application fee.


Our teachers and our method

Certified teachers with a lot of experience in the teaching field. Every course is held in the target language, i.e. our teachers speak constantly the language that our students want to learn during the entire lesson. Our method is based on the belief that a total immersion is the most effective way to get better. In case you cannot assess your level, you can contact us and we can send you a placement test. At the end of the course, a certificate of attendance can be issued upon request.

Info and registration

Send us an email at

Berlino Schule students

Berlino Schule students

Berlino Schule

Gryphiustr. 23, 10245 Berlin – Friedrichshain

Phone: 0049 (0) 30 36465765


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Read the Italian Version of the article!

Photo: PixelAnarchy Pixabay CC0

English courses (elementary and intermediate) starting from October 2019 at Berlino Schule

Join Berlino Schule English courses to start speaking the most common language in the world!

English is getting more and more important nowadays: it is the most common foreign language, used not only in the daily life, but also for more specific purposes. It is the dominant language in the sciences, for instance (research is conducted in English), and the primary language of media and press. To sum up, you could basically get in touch with different people and cultures by speaking only English.

Never studied English before? Join our Elementary English course!

Berlino Schule Elementary English course starts on 18th October 2019. Classes take place every Friday, from 19:00 to 20:30, for 12 weeks.

Price: 140 €

What you will learn:

– The basic structure of the English grammar
– How to talk about your daily life
– How to give personal information
– How to describe the things you have done

Can you speak English at a B1 level? Then, join our English Intermediate course!

You have been studying English for quite a lot of time, you have acquired the most important structures, till reaching an intermediate level (B1/B2) and you would rather carry on learning it. Berlino Schule English intermediate course starts on 18th October 2019. Classes take place every Friday, from 19:00 to 20:30, for 12 weeks.

Price: 140 €


Providing participants with an insight on conversation and grammar. Students will learn to interact in different situations, exchanging information on common and more complex topics.

Our teachers

Native English teachers with long experience in the teaching field

Certificate of attendance issued on demand.

For further info and registration, please contact us at

Berlino Schule

Gryphiusstrasse 23, 10245 Berlin

Facebook event

Read the Italian version! 

Photo Cover: © cc0 Pixabay

Mille Grazie! Italienischkurse

Mille Grazie! Die Italienischkurse von Berlino Schule für Anfänger und Mittel-Fortgeschrittene – Oktober 2019

Haben Sie immer davon geträumt, die italienische Sprache zu erlernen? Sind Sie in die italienische Kultur total verliebt?

Dann sollten Sie an unseren Mille Grazie Kursen teilnehmen! Im Oktober fangen nämlich an der Berlino Schule, einer Sprachschule mit Sitz in Berlin-Friedrichshain, zwei Italienischkurse an: Mille Grazie I für Anfänger, der dem A1 Niveau entspricht, und Mille Grazie III für Mittel-Fortgeschrittene, der dem B1 Niveau entspricht. Die Gruppen sind klein (max. 10 Lernende) und die Preise niedrig. Darüber hinaus sind die Lehrer habilitierte Italienisch-Muttersprachler*innen. Im Bereich Italienisch hat Berlino Schule die Goldmedaille: Die Schule wurde nämlich von Berlino Magazine, dem berühmtesten italienischen Magazin in Berlin, gegründet. So, worauf warten Sie denn? Wenn Sie nicht möchten, dass Italien nur ein Traum bleibt, melden Sie sich einfach für einen unserer Mille Grazie Kurse an!

Mille Grazie I

Mille Grazie I richtet sich an diejenigen, die gar kein Italienisch sprechen können. Der Kurs fängt am 8. Oktober um 19 Uhr an und endet am 4. Februar 2020. Jeden Dienstag, von 19 Uhr bis 21:30 (3 Unterrichtseinheiten + 15 Minuten Pause).

Facebook Event 

Mille Grazie III

Mille Grazie III richtet sich an diejenigen, die schon Erfahrung mit der italienischen Sprache erworben und ein B1 Niveau erreicht haben. Der Kurs fängt am 10. Oktober um 19 Uhr an und endet am 6. Februar 2020. Jeden Donnerstag, von 19 Uhr bis 21:30 (3 Unterrichtseinheiten + 15 Minuten Pause).

Facebook Event


240 €

Privatunterricht (an der Berlino Schule oder zu Hause)

Falls Sie keine Zeit haben, einen ganzen Kurs zu besuchen, können Sie jederzeit Privatunterricht buchen, der an der Berlino Schule oder sogar bei Ihnen zu Hause stattfinden können. Schreiben Sie uns an: .

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An der Berlino Schule in der Gryphiusstrasse 23 – 10245 Berlin Friedrichshain (S Ostkreuz/ U5 Samariterstr./ S+U1 Warschuaer Str.).

Bild: vespa, ©Davide Ragusa, CC0 on Unsplash


Berlino Schule

Cursuri de limba germană la Berlino Schule

Se spune că viața este prea scurtă pentru a învăța germană. Noi suntem de părere că nu-i așa!

Berlino Schule este o școală de limba germană cu adresă la Gryphiusstraße 23, 10245 care oferă o gamă variată de cursuri și vă pune la dispoziție profesori calificați, cu multă experiență în domeniu. Ești pentru prima oară în Berlin sau locuiești aici și încă nu ești mulțumit de nivelul tău de germană? Nu rata șansa de a învăța această limbă ”imposibilă”, într-un mediu relaxat și internațional.

Metoda noastră

Toate cursurile sunt ținute în limba țintă (în germană). Profesorii noștri vorbesc în mod constant limba pe care studenții doresc să o învețe, pe toată durata cursului. Suntem adepți ai imersiunii complete și credem că aceasta este cea mai efecientă modalitate de a învăța o limbă străina.

Informații generale

Berlino Schule oferă patru tipuri de cursuri de limbă germană: intensive (matinale), extensive (serale), super intensive (Summer School) și lecții private.

Crezi ca te-ar putea interesa? Contactează-ne la adresa de email iar noi îți vom oferi toate informațiile de care ai nevoie. Puteți accesa si site-ul nostru pentru a afla mai multe despre Berlino Schule.

Berlino Schule

Gryphiusstraße 23, 10245 Berlin

030 36465765

Corsi di tedesco via Skype

German Classes from 192 € per month. Study at Berlino Schule. Our courses starting this month

German classes in Berlin? The answer is Berlino Schule. Don’t skip any of these opportunities! Intensive, afternoon, evening courses and private classes!

It is your first time in Berlin, or you have been living in Berlin for quite a lot of time, but you still have the feeling you cannot speak German fluently? Don’t worry. You are neither the first nor the last to experience this. This is why it is extremely important to rely on the right school. Berlino Schule provides you with qualified teachers, who have been teaching German for lots of years. Don’t miss the opportunity to learn “this (not) impossible” language in an international environment!

Berlino Schule has the best quality-price ratio: it can provide you with a proper language education, with qualified and German native teachers from just 4€/hour. Moreover, whether you are in need of an accommodation, we can help you find the right one for you.

Berlino Schule provides students with four kinds of German courses: intensive (morning or afternoon), extensive (evening), super-intensive (afternoon) and private lessons (also on Skype).

In the list below you will find our calendar of German courses intensive in the morning, intensive in the afternoon and extensive in the evening plus how it works if you want some private lessons face to face or on Skype.

Accommodation. Mission impossible? No panic! Berlino Schule has established agreements with some landlords to make your 2 or 4 weeks in Berlin as easier as possible. If you are interested, you can contact the school and we will provide you with a list containing all the info you need.

Berlino Schule students (Summer school 2019)

Berlino Schule students (Summer school 2019)

Our German intensive morning courses

Our intensive courses are usually held in the morning. Our courses last 4 weeks, classes take place 4 days/ week from Tuesday to Friday, from 8.45 to 11.15 or from 11.40 to 14.10 (according to the monthly calendar) for a total amount of 48 hours. According to the definition of the Common European Framework of Reference for Knowledge of Languages, an hour is made up of 45 minutes.

Price: 192 € + 20 € registration fee

Our German intensive courses – April

A1.1 31 MARCH – 24 APRIL (Tue-Fri 11:40-14:10)

A1.2 31 MARCH – 24 APRIL (Tue-Fri 8:45-11:15)

A2.1 31 MARCH – 24 APRIL (Tue-Fri 11:40-14:10)

A2.2 31 MARCH – 24 APRIL (Tue-Fri 8:45-11:15)

B1.1 31 MARCH – 24 APRIL (Tue-Fri 11:40-14:10)

B1.2 31 MARCH – 24 APRIL (Tue-Fri 8:45-11:15)

B2.1 31 MARCH – 24 APRIL (Tue-Fri 11:40-14:10)

B2.2 31 MARCH – 24 APRIL (Tue-Fri 8:45-11:15)

Our German intensive courses – Mid-April

A1.1 14 APRIL – 8 MAY (Tue- Fri 8:45-11:15)

A1.2 14 APRIL – 8 MAY (Tue-Fri 11:40-14:10)

Our German intensive courses – April/May

A1.1 28 APRIL – 22 MAY (Tue-Fri 8:45-11:15)

A1.2 28 APRIL – 22 MAY (Tue-Fri 11:40-14:10)

A2.1 28 APRIL – 22 MAY (Tue-Fri 8:45-11:15)

A2.2 28 APRIL – 22 MAY (Tue-Fri 11:40-14:10)

B1.1 28 APRIL – 22 MAY (Tue-Fri 8:45-11:15)

B1.2 28 APRIL – 22 MAY (Tue-Fri 11:40-14:10)

B2.1 28 APRIL – 22 MAY (Tue-Fri 8:45-11:15)

B2.2 28 APRIL – 22 MAY (Tue-Fri 11:40-14:10)

Our German intensive courses – Mid-May

A1.2 12 MAY – 5 JUNE (Tue-Fri 8:45-11:15)

A2.1 12 MAY – 5 JUNE (Tue-Fri 11:40-14:10)

Our German intensive courses – May/June

A1.1 26 MAY – 19 JUNE (Tue-Fri 11:40-14:10)

A1.2 26 MAY – 19 JUNE (Tue-Fri 8:45-11:15)

A2.1 26 MAY – 19 JUNE (Tue-Fri 11:40-14:10)

A2.2 26 MAY – 19 JUNE (Tue-Fri 8:45-11:15)

B1.1 26 MAY – 19 JUNE (Tue-Fri 11:40-14:10)

B1.2 26 MAY – 19 JUNE (Tue-Fri 8:45-11:15)

B2.1 26 MAY – 19 JUNE (Tue-Fri 11:40-14:10)

B2.2 26 MAY – 19 JUNE (Tue-Fri 8:45-11:15)

Our German intensive courses – Mid-June

A2.1 9 JUNE – 3 JULY (Tue-Fri 8:45-11:15)

A2.2 9 JUNE – 3 JULY (Tue-Fri 11:40-14:10)

Our German intensive courses – June/July

A1.1 23 JUNE – 17 JULY (Tue-Fri 8:45-11:15)

A1.2 23 JUNE – 17 JULY (Tue-Fri 11:40-14:10)

A2.1 23 JUNE – 17 JULY (Tue-Fri 8:45-11:15)

A2.2 23 JUNE – 17 JULY (Tue-Fri 11:40-14:10)

B1.1 23 JUNE – 17 JULY (Tue-Fri 8:45-11:15)

B1.2 23 JUNE – 17 JULY (Tue-Fri 11:40-14:10)

B2.1 23 JUNE – 17 JULY (Tue-Fri 8:45-11:15)

B2.2 23 JUNE – 17 JULY (Tue-Fri 11:40-14:10)

Look at our calendar to find out our German intensive courses! 

Our German intensive afternoon courses

Our German intensive courses in the afternoon take place every day, from Monday to Friday (5 days/ week) from 14:30 to 17:10. Total amount of hours: 48. According to the definition of the Common European Framework of Reference for Knowledge of Languages, an hour is made up of 45 minutes.

Price: 192 € + 20 € registration fee

Our German afternoon courses – March

A1.2 9 MARCH – 27 MARCH (Mon-Fri 14:30-17:10)

A2.1 9 MARCH – 27 MARCH (Mon-Fri 14:30-17:10)

Our German afternoon courses – April

A1.1 6 APRIL – 24 APRIL (Mo-Fr 14:30-17:10)

A1.2 6 APRIL – 24 APRIL (Mo-Fr 14:30-17:10)

A2.1 6 APRIL – 24 APRIL (Mo-Fr 14:30-17:10)

A2.2 6 APRIL – 24 APRIL (Mo-Fr 14:30-17:10)

Look at our calendar to find out our German intensive courses in the afternoon!

Our German evening courses

Evening German courses last 8 weeks, for a total amount of 48 hours: classes take place twice a week (Monday and Wednesday or Tuesday and Thursday), 3 hours per day, from 19.15 to 21.40. Total amount of hours: 48. According to the definition of the Common European Framework of Reference for Knowledge of Languages, an hour is made up of 45 minutes. You can always ask to jump into a class that already started (prior agreement with the school).

Price: 240 € + 20 € registration fee

Our German evening courses – March/April

A1.1 9 MARCH – 29 APRIL (MON and WED 19:15-21:40)

A1.2 9 MARCH – 29 APRIL (MON and WED 19:15-21:40)

A2.1 10 MARCH – 30 APRIL (TUE and THU 19:15-21:40)

A2.2 9 MARCH – 29 APRIL (MON and WED 19:15-21:40)

B1.1 10 MARCH – 30 APRIL (TUE and THU 19:15-21:40)

B1.2 9 MARCH – 29 APRIL (MON and WED 19:15-21:40)

B2.1 10 MARCH – 30 APRIL (TUE and THU 19:15-21:40)

Our German evening courses – May/June

A1.1 5 MAY – 25 JUNE (Tue and Thu 19:15-21:40)

A1.2 4 MAY – 24 JUNE (Mon and Wed 19:15-21:40)

A2.1 4 MAY – 24 JUNE (Mon and Wed 19:15-21:40)

A2.2 5 MAY – 25 JUNE (Tue and Thu 19:15-21:40)

B1.1 4 MAY – 24 JUNE (Mon and Wed 19:15-21:40)

B2.1 4 MAY – 24 JUNE (Mon and Wed 19:15-21:40)

B2.2 5 MAY – 25 JUNE (Tue and Thu 19:15-21:40)

Our German evening courses – June/August

A1.1 29 JUNE – 19 AUGUST (Mon and Wed 19:15-21:40)

A1.2 30 JUNE – 20 AUGUST (Tue and Thu 19:15-21:40)

A2.1 29 JUNE – 19 AUGUST (Mon and Wed 19:15-21:40)

A2.2 29 JUNE – 19 AUGUST (Mon and Wed 19:15-21:40)

B1.1 30 JUNE – 20 AUGUST (Tue and Thu 19:15-21:40)

B1.2 29 JUNE – 19 AUGUST (Mon and Wed 19:15-21:40)

B2.1 30 JUNE – 20 AUGUST (Tue and Thu 19:15-21:40)

Our German evening courses – August/October

A1.1 25 AUGUST – 15 OCTOBER (Tue and Thu 19:15-21:40)

A1.2 24 AUGUST – 14 OCTOBER (Mon and Wed 19:15-21:40)

A2.1 25 AUGUST – 15 OCTOBER (Tue and Thu 19:15-21:40)

A2.2 24 AUGUST – 14 OCTOBER (Mon and Wed 19:15-21:40)

B1.1 24 AUGUST – 14 OCTOBER (Mon and Wed 19:15-21:40)

B1.2 25 AUGUST – 15 OCTOBER (Tue and Thu 19:15-21:40)

B2.1 24 AUGUST – 14 OCTOBER (Mon and Wed 19:15-21:40)

Our German evening courses – October/December

A1.1 19 OCTOBER – 9 DECEMBER (Mon and Wed 19:15-21:40)

A1.2 20 OCTOBER – 10 DECEMBER (Tue and Thu 19:15-21:40)

A2.1 19 OCTOBER – 9 DECEMBER (Mon and Wed 19:15-21:40)

A2.2 20 OCTOBER – 10 DECEMBER (Tue and Thu 19:15-21:40)

B1.1 19 OCTOBER – 9 DECEMBER (Mon and Wed 19:15-21:40)

B1.2 19 OCTOBER – 9 DECEMBER (Mon and Wed 19:15-21:40)

B2.1 20 OCTOBER – 10 DECEMBER (Tue and Thu 19:15-21:40)

Look at our calendar to find out our German evening courses!

Skype/private classes

In case you do not have time to attend classes neither in the morning nor in the evening, you can book some private classes. Our private classes are split up in “teaching units”, each of which consists of 45 minutes class, according to the definition of the Common European Framework of Reference for Knowledge of Languages. Each teaching unit costs 28 euros. We generally recommend booking a minimum of 10 units, but you are free to book more or less. In case you decide to book more than 10 units, we are more than happy to offer you a discount (25 euros per unit).

Berlino Schule

Berlino Schule Summer school 2019

Super-intensive courses (Summer school)

Do you want to give a boost to your summer? Would you take advantage of the summer holidays to improve your German, a language which is getting more and more important in the labour market? Are you looking forward to coming to Berlin, a city full of culture, art and nightlife?

The Summer School of Berlino Schule is the study trip you are looking for. If you choose to register for our courses, you will have the possibility to attend super-intensive courses (5 hours per day, for 2 weeks) in the lively and international district of Friedrichshain.

That’s not all. Our students will be offered the chance to join 8 extra activities (i.e. cineforum, walking tours, museums, conversation activities, etc).

Keys of the courses. The ones who have never studied German before, will start with the A1.1 course. After 50 hour of lessons, you will have access to the next course, that is the A1.2 (till the C2 level).

Accommodation. Mission impossible? No panic! Berlino Schule has established some agreements with flats, hostels and hotels to make your studying holiday as easier as possible. If you are interested, you can contact the school and we will provide you with our accomodation list.

Price. A 2-week course (50 hrs of lesson) costs 230 €. If you decide to take part in two of our super-intensive courses, the price is 440 euros instead of 460.

Book the whole package! You would like to attend a super-intensive course, but it is rather difficult for you to find an accomodation? We can provide you with an a single room in some hotels just nearby Berlino Schule. 2 weekly tickets included.

Price for the whole package: accomodation, 2 weekly tickets, super-intensive course, 8 extra activities. Ask for a price quotation!

Summer school calendar

I Round (13 July-24 July)

A1.1 13 JULY-24 JULY (from Monday to Friday, 14:30-18:45)

A2.1 13 JULY-24 JULY (from Monday to Friday, 14:30-18:45)

B2.1 13 JULY-24 JULY (from Monday to Friday, 14:30-18:45)

II Round (27 July-7 August)

A1.2 27 JULY-7 AUGUST (from Monday to Friday, 14:30-18:45)

A2.2 27 JULY-7 AUGUST (from Monday to Friday, 14:30-18:45)

B2.2 27 JULY-7 AUGUST (from Monday to Friday, 14:30-18:45)

III Round (10 August-21 August)

A1.1 10 AUGUST-21 AUGUST (from Monday to Friday, 14:30-18:45)

B1.1 10 AUGUST-21 AUGUST (from Monday to Friday, 14:30-18:45)

C1.1 10 AUGUST-21 AUGUST (from Monday to Friday, 14:30-18:45)

IV Round (24 August-4 September) 

A1.2 24 AUGUST-4 SEPTEMBER (from Monday to Friday, 14:30-18:45)

B1.2 24 AUGUST-4 SEPTEMBER (from Monday to Friday, 14:30-18:45)

C1.2 24 AUGUST-4 SEPTEMBER (from Monday to Friday, 14:30-18:45)

Berlino Schule students

Berlino Schule students

Our teachers and our method

Certified teachers with a lot of experience in the teaching field. Every course is held in the target language, i.e. our teachers speak constantly the language that our students want to learn during the entire lesson. Our method is based on the belief that a total immersion is the most effective way to get better. In case you cannot assess your level, you can contact us and we can send you a placement test. At the end of the course, a certificate of attendance can be issued upon request.

Info and registration

Send an email at and we will reply with all the information you need. Check also our website to know more about our school.

Berlino Schule

Gryphiusstraße 23, 10245 Berlin-Friedrichshain

030 36465765

Facebook page

Instagram profile 

Read the Italian version of the article!

Berlino Schule students (Summer school 2019)

German evening classes from 240 €. Study at Berlino Schule. New classes start at the end of October 2019

Berlino Schule is offering German evening courses for 240 €, starting at the end of October. Don’t miss the chance to attend great quality-courses in Berlin!

Are you looking for a German course in Berlin to grab “this (not) impossible” language, but you don’t have much time in the morning? Do you really want to learn German, but you cannot find the perfect course which matches your needs?

Berlino Schule has the best quality-price ratio: it can provide you with a proper language education and qualified teachers from just 4€/hour. In case you need a short-term accomodation in Berlin, Berlino Schule staff is always ready to help you out.

Berlino Schule ofers three kinds of German courses: intensive in the morning, intensive in the afternoon and evening courses. In case you don’t have time neither in the morning nor during the day, you can book some private classes.

Berlino Schule students

Drum roll: new evening German courses at Berlino Schule!

Our evening courses last 8 weeks, for a total amount of 48 hours: classes take place twice a week (Monday and Wednesday or Tuesday and Thursday, depending on the monthly calendar), 3 hours per meeting, from 19.15 to 21.40.

Price: 240 euro + 20 euro registration fee (valid for one year)

Our German evening courses – October/ December 2019

A1.1 22 OCTOBER – 12 DECEMBER (TUE and THU 19:15 – 21:40)

A1.2 21 OCTOBER – 11 DECEMBER (MON and WED 19:15 – 21:40)

A2.1 22 OCTOBER – 12 DECEMBER (TUE and THU 19:15 – 21:40)

A2.2 21 OCTOBER – 11 DECEMBER (MON and WED 19:15 – 21:40)

B1.1 22 OCTOBER – 12 DECEMBER (TUE and THU 19:15 – 21:40)

B1.2 21 OCTOBER – 11 DECEMBER (MON and WED 19:15 – 21:40)

Our German evening courses – January/ March

A1.1 13 JANUARY – 4 MARCH (MON and WED 19:15-21:40)

A1.2 14 JANUARY – 5 MARCH (TUE and THU 19:15-21:40)

A2.1 13 JANUARY – 4 MARCH (MON and WED 19:15-21:40)

A2.2 14 JANUARY – 5 MARCH (TUE and THU 19:15-21:40)

B1.1 13 JANUARY – 4 MARCH (MON and WED 19:15-21:40)

B1.2 14 JANUARY – 5 MARCH (TUE and THU 19:15-21:40)

Our German evening courses – March/ April 2020

A1.1 9 MARCH – 29 APRIL (MON and WED 19:15-21:40)

A1.2 9 MARCH – 29 APRIL (MON and WED 19:15-21:40)

A2.1 10 MARCH – 30 APRIL (TUE and THU 19:15-21:40)

A2.2 9 MARCH – 29 APRIL (MON and WED 19:15-21:40)

B1.1 10 MARCH – 30 APRIL (TUE and THU 19:15-21:40)

B2.1 10 MARCH – 30 APRIL (TUE and THU 19:15-21:40)

Look at our calendar to find out our German evening courses!

Our German intensive courses in the morning 

Our intensive courses are held in the morning. Classes take place 4 times a week, from 8.45 to 11.15 or from 11.40 to 14.20, depending on the monthly calendar. The course lasts four weeks, for a total amount of 48 hours.

Price: 192 euro + 20 euro registration fee (valid for one year)

Our German intensive courses – November 2019

A1.1 29 OCTOBER – 22 NOVEMBER (Tue-Fri 8:45-11:15)

A1.2 29 OCTOBER – 22 NOVEMBER (Tue-Fri 11:40-14:10)

A2.1 29 OCTOBER – 22 NOVEMBER (Tue-Fri 8:45-11:15)

A2.2 29 OCTOBER – 22 NOVEMBER (Tue-Fri 11:40-14:10)

B1.1 29 OCTOBER – 22 NOVEMBER (Tue-Fri 8:45-11:15)

B1.2 29 OCTOBER – 22 NOVEMBER (Tue-Fri 11:40-14:10)

B2.1 29 OCTOBER – 22 NOVEMBER (Tue-Fri 8:45-11:15)

Our German intensive courses – December 2019

A1.1 26 NOVEMBER – 20 DECEMBER (Tue-Fri 11:40-14:10)

A1.2 26 NOVEMBER – 20 DECEMBER (Tue-Fri 8:45-11:15)

A2.1 26 NOVEMBER – 20 DECEMBER (Tue-Fri 11:40-14:10)

A2.2 26 NOVEMBER – 20 DECEMBER (Tue-Fri 8:45-11:15)

B1.1 26 NOVEMBER – 20 DECEMBER (Tue-Fri 11:40-14:10)

B1.2 26 NOVEMBER – 20 DECEMBER (Tue-Fri 8:45-11:15)

B2.2 26 NOVEMBER – 20 DECEMBER (Tue-Fri 8:45-11:15)

Our German intensive courses – January 2020

A1.1 7 JANUARY – 31 JANUARY (Tue-Fri 8:45-11:15)

A1.2 7 JANUARY – 31 JANUARY (Tue-Fri 11:40-14:10)

A2.1 7 JANUARY – 31 JANUARY (Tue-Fri 8:45-11:15)

A2.2 7 JANUARY – 31 JANUARY (Tue-Fri 11:40-14:10)

B1.1 7 JANUARY – 31 JANUARY (Tue-Fri 8:45-11:15)

B1.2 7 JANUARY – 31 JANUARY (Tue-Fri 11:40-14:10)

B2.1 7 JANUARY – 31 JANUARY (Tue-Fri 8:45-11:15)

Our German intensive courses – February 2020

A1.1 4 FEBRUARY – 28 FEBRUARY (Tue-Fri 11:40-14:10)

A1.2 4 FEBRUARY – 28 FEBRUARY (Tue-Fri 8:45-11:15)

A2.1 4 FEBRUARY – 28 FEBRUARY (Tue-Fri 11:40-14:10)

A2.2 4 FEBRUARY – 28 FEBRUARY (Tue-Fri 8:45-11:15)

B1.1 4 FEBRUARY – 28 FEBRUARY (Tue-Fri 11:40-14:10)

B1.2 4 FEBRUARY – 28 FEBRUARY (Tue-Fri 8:45-11:15)

B2.2 4 FEBRUARY – 28 FEBRUARY (Tue-Fri 8:45-11:15)

Our German intensive courses – March 2020

A1.1 3 MARCH – 27 MARCH (Tue-Fri 8:45-11:15)

A1.2 3 MARCH – 27 MARCH (Tue-Fri 11:40-14:10)

A2.1 3 MARCH – 27 MARCH (Tue-Fri 8:45-11:15)

A2.2 3 MARCH – 27 MARCH (Tue-Fri 11:40-14:10)

B1.1 3 MARCH – 27 MARCH (Tue-Fri 8:45-11:15)

B1.2 3 MARCH – 27 MARCH (Tue-Fri 11:40-14:10)

B2.1 3 MARCH – 27 MARCH (Tue-Fri 8:45-11:15)

Our German intensive courses – April 2020

A1.1 31 MARCH – 24 APRIL (Tue-Fri 11:40-14:10)

A1.2 31 MARCH – 24 APRIL (Tue-Fri 8:45-11:15)

A2.1 31 MARCH – 24 APRIL (Tue-Fri 11:40-14:10)

A2.2 31 MARCH – 24 APRIL (Tue-Fri 8:45-11:15)

B1.1 31 MARCH – 24 APRIL (Tue-Fri 11:40-14:10)

B2.1 31 MARCH – 24 APRIL (Tue-Fri 8:45-11:15)

B2.2 31 MARCH – 24 APRIL (Tue-Fri 8:45-11:15)

Our German intensive courses – May 2020

A1.1 28 APRIL – 22 MAY (Tue-Fri 8:45-11:15)

A1.2 28 APRIL – 22 MAY (Tue-Fri 11:40-14:10)

A2.1 28 APRIL – 22 MAY (Tue-Fri 8:45-11:15)

A2.2 28 APRIL – 22 MAY (Tue-Fri 11:40-14:10)

B1.1 28 APRIL – 22 MAY (Tue-Fri 8:45-11:15)

B1.2 28 APRIL – 22 MAY (Tue-Fri 11:40-14:10)

B2.2 28 APRIL – 22 MAY (Tue-Fri 8:45-11:15)

Look at our calendar to find out our German intensive courses! 

Our German intensive courses in the afternoon

We have something new for you this month! Afternoon classes! Our German intensive courses in the afternoon take place every day, from Monday to Friday (5 days/ week) from 14:30 to 17:10. Total amount of hours: 48. According to the definition of the Common European Framework of Reference for Knowledge of Languages, an hour is made up of 45 minutes.

Price: 192 € + 20 € registration fee

Our next German afternoon courses

A1.1 4 NOVEMBER – 22 NOVEMBER (Mo-Fr 14:30-17:10)

A1.2 4 NOVEMBER – 22 NOVEMBER (Mo-Fr 14:30-17:10)

Look at our calendar to find out our German intensive courses in the afternoon!

Berlino Schule

Berlino Schule Summer school 2019

Skype/private classes

We want learning to be accessible to everyone, even if you don’t live in Germany or don’t have the time to come to our school. Our individual and Skype classes are made up for beginners (A1.1) and advanced learners (C1). An attendance certificate will be given to you at the end of your eLearning classes. If you want to take individual classes, no previous knowledge is required. Our flexible schedule will meet your specific linguistic needs and working hours. The attendance will be define with the school. The price is 28 € per hour (45 minutes).

Our teachers

The courses are held by teachers with certified experience in the language teaching field. At the end of the course a certificate of attendance will be released on demand.

Info and registration

Send an email at and we will reply with all the information you need. Check also our website to know more about Berlino Schule.

Berlino Schule

Gryphiusstraße 23, 10245 Berlin

030 36465765

Look at our Facebook page and Instagram profile!

Learn German in Berlin

German Classes from 192 € per month. Study at Berlino Schule. New classes start next week

Summer is coming and social life is growing! That is why Berlino Schule has come up with new German courses: intensive, evening, private and Skype classes. Don’t skip any of these opportunities!

It is your first time in Berlin, or you have been living in Berlin for quite a lot of time, but you still have the feeling you cannot speak German fluently? Don’t worry. You are neither the first nor the last to experience this. This is why it is extremely important to rely on the right school. Berlino Schule provides you with qualified teachers, who have been teaching German for lots of years. Don’t miss the opportunity to learn “this (not) impossible” language in an international environment!

Berlino Schule has the best quality-price ratio: it can provide you with a proper language education, with qualified and German native teachers from just 4€/hour. Moreover, whether you are in need of an accomodation, we can help you find the right one for you.

Berlino Schule provides students with three kinds of German course: intensive (morning and afternoon), extensive (evening) and private lessons.

Our German intensive courses

Our intensive courses are held in the morning. Classes will take place 4 times a week, from 8.45 to 11.15 or from 11.40 to 14.20. The course will last four weeks, for a total amount of 48 hours.

Price: 192 euro + 20 euro registration fee

Our German intensive courses – May

A1.1 30 APRIL – 24 MAY (Tue-Fri 11.40-14.10)

A1.2 30 APRIL – 24 MAY (Tue-Fri 8.45 -11.15)

A2.1 30 APRIL – 24 MAY (Tue-Fri 11.40-14.10)

A2.2 30 APRIL – 24 MAY (Tue-Fri 8.45 -11.15)

B1.1 30 APRIL – 24 MAY (Tue-Fri 11.40-14.10)

B1.2 30 APRIL – 24 MAY (Tue-Fri 8.45 -11.15)

B2.2 30 APRIL – 24 MAY (Tue-Fri 8.45 -11.15)

Our German intensive courses – June

A1.1 28 MAY – 21 JUNE (Tue-Fri 8.45 – 11.15)

A1.2 28 MAY – 21 JUNE (Tue-Fri 11.40 – 14.10)

A2.1 28 MAY – 21 JUNE (Tue-Fri 8.45 – 11.15)

A2.2 28 MAY – 21 JUNE (Tue-Fri 11.40 – 14.10)

B1.1 28 MAY – 21 JUNE (Tue-Fri 8.45 – 11.15)

B2.1 28 MAY – 21 JUNE (Tue-Fri 8.45 – 11.15)

C1.1 28 MAY – 21 JUNE (Tue-Fri 11.40 – 14.10)

Our German intensive courses – July

A1.1 25 JUNE – 19 JULY (Tue-Fri 11:40-14:10)

A1.2 25 JUNE – 19 JULY (Tue-Fri 8:45-11:15)

A2.1 25 JUNE – 19 JULY (Tue-Fri 11:40-14:10)

A2.2 25 JUNE – 19 JULY (Tue-Fri 8:45-11:15)

B1.1 25 JUNE – 19 JULY (Tue-Fri 11:40-14:10)

B1.2 25 JUNE – 19 JULY (Tue-Fri 8:45-11:15)

B2.2 25 JUNE – 19 JULY (Tue-Fri 8:45-11:15)

Our German intensive courses – August – 3 weeks

A1.1 22 JULY – 9 AUGUST (Mon-Fri 8:45-11:25)

A1.2 22 JULY – 9 AUGUST (Mon-Fri 11:40-14:20)

A2.1 22 JULY – 9 AUGUST (Mon-Fri 8:45-11:25)

A2.2 22 JULY – 9 AUGUST (Mon-Fri 11:40-14:20)

B1.1 22 JULY – 9 AUGUST (Mon-Fri 8:45-11:25)

B1.2 22 JULY – 9 AUGUST (Mon-Fri 11:40-14:20)

B2.1 22 JULY – 9 AUGUST (Mon-Fri 8:45-11:25)

Our German intensive courses – August – 3 weeks

A1.1 12 AUGUST – 30 AUGUST (Mon-Fri 11:40-14:20)

A1.2 12 AUGUST – 30 AUGUST (Mon-Fri 8:45-11:25)

A2.1 12 AUGUST – 30 AUGUST (Mon-Fri 11:40-14:20)

A2.2 12 AUGUST – 30 AUGUST (Mon-Fri 8:45-11:25)

B1.1 12 AUGUST – 30 AUGUST (Mon-Fri 11:40-14:20)

B2.1 12 AUGUST – 30 AUGUST (Mon-Fri 8:45-11:25)

B2.2 12 AUGUST – 30 AUGUST (Mon-Fri 8:45-11:25)

Our German intensive courses – September

A1.1 3 SEPTEMBER – 27 SEPTEMBER (Tue-Fri 8:45-11:15)

A1.2 3 SEPTEMBER – 27 SEPTEMBER (Tue-Fri 11:40-14:10)

A2.1 3 SEPTEMBER – 27 SEPTEMBER (Tue-Fri 8:45-11:15)

A2.2 3 SEPTEMBER – 27 SEPTEMBER (Tue-Fri 11:40-14:10)

B1.1 3 SEPTEMBER – 27 SEPTEMBER (Tue-Fri 8:45-11:15)

B2.2 3 SEPTEMBER – 27 SEPTEMBER (Tue-Fri 11:40-14:10)

C1.1 3 SEPTEMBER – 27 SEPTEMBER (Tue-Fri 8:45-11:15)

Our German intensive courses – October

A1.1 1 OCTOBER – 25 OCTOBER (Tue-Fri 11:40-14:10)

A1.2 1 OCTOBER – 25 OCTOBER (Tue-Fri 8:45-11:15)

A2.1 1 OCTOBER – 25 OCTOBER (Tue-Fri 11:40-14:10)

A2.2 1 OCTOBER – 25 OCTOBER (Tue-Fri 8:45-11:15)

B1.1 1 OCTOBER – 25 OCTOBER (Tue-Fri 11:40-14:10)

B1.2 1 OCTOBER – 25 OCTOBER (Tue-Fri 8:45-11:15)

B2.1 1 OCTOBER – 25 OCTOBER (Tue-Fri 8:45-11:15)

Our German intensive courses – November

A1.1 29 OCTOBER – 22 NOVEMBER (Tue-Fri 8:45-11:15)

A1.2 29 OCTOBER – 22 NOVEMBER (Tue-Fri 11:40-14:10)

A2.1 29 OCTOBER – 22 NOVEMBER (Tue-Fri 8:45-11:15)

A2.2 29 OCTOBER – 22 NOVEMBER (Tue-Fri 11:40-14:10)

B1.1 29 OCTOBER – 22 NOVEMBER (Tue-Fri 8:45-11:15)

B1.2 29 OCTOBER – 22 NOVEMBER (Tue-Fri 11:40-14:10)

B2.1 29 OCTOBER – 22 NOVEMBER (Tue-Fri 8:45-11:15)

Our German intensive courses – December

A1.1 26 NOVEMBER – 20 DECEMBER (Tue-Fri 11:40-14:10)

A1.2 26 NOVEMBER – 20 DECEMBER (Tue-Fri 8:45-11:15)

A2.1 26 NOVEMBER – 20 DECEMBER (Tue-Fri 11:40-14:10)

A2.2 26 NOVEMBER – 20 DECEMBER (Tue-Fri 8:45-11:15)

B1.1 26 NOVEMBER – 20 DECEMBER (Tue-Fri 11:40-14:10)

B1.2 26 NOVEMBER – 20 DECEMBER (Tue-Fri 8:45-11:15)

B2.2 26 NOVEMBER – 20 DECEMBER (Tue-Fri 8:45-11:15)

Look at our calendar to find out our German intensive courses! 

Our German afternoon courses

Our afternoon courses are held in the afternoon. Classes will take place 4 times a week, from 14.30 to 17. The course will last four weeks, for a total amount of 48 hours.

Price: 192 euro + 20 euro registration fee

Our next German afternoon courses

A1.1 30 April – 24 May (Tue-Fri, 14:30-17:00)

Look at our calendar to find out our German afternoon courses! 

Our German evening courses

Evening German courses last 8 weeks, for a total amount of 48 hours: classes take place twice a week (Monday and Wednesday or Tuesday and Thursday), 3 hours per day, from 19.15 to 21.40.

Price: 240 euro + 20 euro registration fee

Our German evening courses – May/June

A1.1 6 MAY – 26 JUNE (MON and WED 19.15 – 21.40)

A1.2 7 MAY – 27 JUNE (TUE and THU 19.15 – 21.40)

A2.1 6 MAY – 26 JUNE (MON and WED 19.15 – 21.40)

A2.2 7 MAY – 27 JUNE (TUE and THU 19.15 – 21.40)

B1.1 7 MAY – 27 JUNE (TUE and THU 19.15 – 21.40)

B1.2 6 MAY – 26 JUNE (MON and WED 19.15 – 21.40)

Our German evening courses – July/August

A1.1 2 JULY – 22 AUGUST (TUE and THU 19:15 – 21:40)

A1.2 1 JULY – 21 AUGUST (MON and WED 19:15 – 21:40)

A2.1 2 JULY – 22 AUGUST (TUE and THU 19:15 – 21:40)

A2.2 1 JULY – 21 AUGUST (MON and WED 19:15 – 21:40)

B1.1 2 JULY – 22 AUGUST (TUE and THU 19:15 – 21:40)

B2.1 1 JULY – 21 AUGUST (MON and WED 19:15 – 21:40)

Our German evening courses – August/October

A1.1 26 AUGUST – 16 OCTOBER (MON and WED 19:15 – 21:40)

A1.2 27 AUGUST – 17 OCTOBER (TUE and THU 19:15 – 21:40)

A2.1 26 AUGUST – 16 OCTOBER (MON and WED 19:15 – 21:40)

A2.2 27 AUGUST – 17 OCTOBER (TUE and THU 19:15 – 21:40)

B1.2 27 AUGUST – 17 OCTOBER (TUE and THU 19:15 – 21:40)

B2.2 26 AUGUST – 16 OCTOBER (MON and WED 19:15 – 21:40)

Our German evening courses – October/December

A1.1 22 OCTOBER – 12 DECEMBER (TUE and THU 19:15 – 21:40)

A1.2 21 OCTOBER – 11 DECEMBER (MON and WED 19:15 – 21:40)

A2.1 22 OCTOBER – 12 DECEMBER (TUE and THU 19:15 – 21:40)

A2.2 21 OCTOBER – 11 DECEMBER (MON and WED 19:15 – 21:40)

B1.1 22 OCTOBER – 12 DECEMBER (TUE and THU 19:15 – 21:40)

C1.1 21 OCTOBER – 11 DECEMBER (MON and WED 19:15 – 21:40)

Look at our calendar to find out our German evening courses!

Conversation course

24 April – 22 May (once a week, every Wednesday, 18.30 – 20.45)

Price: 230 euro

Our German super-intensive courses (Summer School)

Do you want to give a boost to your summer? Would you take advantage of the summer holidays to improve your German, a language which is getting more and more important in the labour market? Are you looking forward to coming to Berlin, a city full of culture, art and nightlife?

Summer School of Berlino Schule is the study trip you are looking for. If you choose to enroll to our classes, you will have the possibility to attend super intensive courses of 5 hours per day (from Monday to Friday) for 2 weeks, in a lively and international district of Friedrichshain.

That’s not all! Students attending the courses at Berlino Schule will be offered the chance to join in afternoon activities, related to the German language (i.e. cineforum, walking tours, museums, conversation activities, etc) for a total amount of 8 hours per week.

When. Summer School courses will be held from the 8th of July to the 30th of August and will be every 2 weeks: 8-19 July, 22 July-2 August, 5-16 August, 19-30 August, every day, from 14:30 to 18:45.

Accomodation. Mission impossible? No panic! Berlino Schule has established some agreements with some landlords to make your studying holiday as easier as possible. If you are interested, you can contact the school and we will provide you with a list containing all the info you need.

Price: 230 euro

Wanna book the whole package? You would like to attend a super-intensive course, but it is rather difficult for you to find an accomodation? We can provide you with an a single room in some hotels just nearby Berlino Schule (15 nights) and you can have the chance to get 2 weekly tickets (AB zone). Ask for a price quotation!

Our German super-intensive courses – July

A1.1: 8 JULY-19 JULY (Mon-Fri, 14:30-18:45)

A2.1: 8 JULY-19 JULY (Mon-Fri, 14:30-18:45)

B2.1: 8 JULY-19 JULY (Mon-Fri, 14:30-18:45)

Our German super-intensive courses – July/August

A1.2: 22 JULY-2 AUGUST (Mon-Fri, 14:30-18:45)

A2.2: 22 JULY-2 AUGUST (Mon-Fri, 14:30-18:45)

B2.2: 22 JULY-2 AUGUST (Mon-Fri, 14:30-18:45)

Our German super-intensive courses – August

A1.1: 5 AUGUST-16 AUGUST (Mon-Fri, 14:30-18:45)

B1.1: 5 AUGUST-16 AUGUST (Mon-Fri, 14:30-18:45)

C1.1: 5 AUGUST-16 AUGUST (Mon-Fri, 14:30-18:45)

Our German super-intensive courses – August

A1.2: 19 AUGUST-30 AUGUST (Mon-Fri, 14:30-18:45)

B1.2: 19 AUGUST-30 AUGUST (Mon-Fri, 14:30-18:45)

C1.2: 19 AUGUST-30 AUGUST (Mon-Fri, 14:30-18:45)

Look at our calendar to find out our German super-intensive courses 

Skype/private classes

We want learning to be accessible to everyone, even if you don’t live in Germany or don’t have the time to come to our school. Our individual and Skype classes are made up for beginners (A1.1) and advanced learners (C1). An attendance certificate will be given to you at the end of your eLearning classes. If you want to take individual classes, no previous knowledge is required. Our flexible schedule will meet your specific linguistic needs and working hours. The attendance will be define with the school. The price is 28 € per hour (45 minutes).

Our teachers

The courses are held by teachers with certified experience in the language teaching field. At the end of the course a certificate of attendance will be released on demand.

Info and registration

Send an email to and we will reply with all the information you need. Check also our website to know more about Berlino Schule.

Berlino Schule

Gryphiusstraße 23, 10245 Berlin

030 36465765

Second stop: Fernsehturm … But what is it exactly? All you need to know about the Berliner TV tower

Not just a symbol of the German capital city! The Berliner Fernsehturm has got a complex history behind its back

As a multifaceted country, Germany hides lots of secrets and interesting cultural places. Berlin offers different fascinating monuments, such as Brandenburger Tor, Berliner Dom and the German Parliament (the so-called Reichstag). Last but not the least: the huge Fernsehturm. But, apart from being one of the most popular attractions of the German capital city, what is exactly the Fernsehturm?

Some bits of history


Fernsehturm is actually a “television tower” for radio and TV broadcasting stations in central Berlin. An essential building with a long political history behind its back. For instance, during the division of Germany in East and West Berlin, the monument was a simple antenna. It was indeed built under the directive of the German Democratic Republic (known as GDR) inside the eastern part of Germany, so that it could be seen from anywhere in the country, especially from West Berlin. Its main purpose consisted in showing how modern and functional was GDR. The building was built under a political strategy: at first, it should have been constructed in the South-East part of Berlin. However, the works were then interruped because of its proximity to the airport. It could, therefore, have caused issues with the flights. The Berliner TV tower was then built in a central part of the city, becoming the new symbol of the German capital city. 

At the end …

On October 3rd, 1969, Walter Ulbricht inaugurated the TV Tower and since October 7th, 1969, (The Republic Day) it has been opened to the public. Located in Alexanderplatz, Fernsehturm is 368 meters high. During the sunny days, you can also notice a cross on its surface, formed by the sunrays (known as “the Pope’s revenge”). German Democratic Republic tried to solve the problem, but without any success.

Photo by Michael Jin on Unsplash

Schlagwortarchiv für: berlino schule